Saturday, 27 October 2007

10 and a half weeks - jabs and grumpiness

Ms Sienna is now 10 and a half weeks old and weighing in at 10 pounds 11 ounces, she is a tall slim baby (with larger than average head - to house her big brain!). We took our first trip away last week - down to see the Simmonds clan in Hertfordshire, where she got to hang out with her 3 cousins (photographed about 1000 times by grandad!) and met her amazing great grandmother who is now 97 years old. It was a lovely moment.
Sienna is rather grumpy and crying a lot at the moment - she had her first jabs on wednesday and has been a little off kelter ever since then...we are hoping that this is a phase and we get our cool little smiling girl back soon.
Exactly one month today (November 27th) we are flying to USA to visit friends and family....really exciting.
We promise to post more pictures soon as she has changed a bit lately!

Monday, 8 October 2007

Consciousness Rising

Sienna is very much becoming a little person. She will be 8 weeks old tomorrow, which seems hardly possible. In many ways it feels like she has always been with us. In another way, the birth seems like yesterday.
She is smiling a lot, and making the vowel sounds, interacting with both of us, and her many visitors. A real little human being. She is noticing the world around her. She is also getting pretty good at holding up her own head...
Life continues to be rather bizarre; a timeless existence. But we are getting more sleep! She is now managing to sleep in a chunk of 6 hours at night, which is brilliant, bar the strange and loud Sienna grunts that come from our tiny being.