Sunday, 13 April 2008


We have reached a developmental milestone - Ms Sienna is crawling. This is really very exciting, but also slightly panic inducing as our house has not (at all) been baby proofed. We are on a mission to remove all precarious objects and (after payday) to purchase a playpen for the littlun. It is proving to be quite a task keeping her in one place, and you really cannot turn your back for 5 seconds else she will be eating a shoe or attempting to kill the cd machine. Also increasingly difficult to change a nappy (diaper) as she wants to be in the crawling position all the time. She even does it when she is half asleep and gets a bit upset when she gets stuck in the corner of her cot.
She also has a brand new tooth, which she likes to use at all opportunities (not good as I am still breastfeeding...).
Also not good as teething correlates with "terrible nights sleep" for mummy and daddy. We are longing for a night of a few hours (at least 4, please) sleep in a row. The record was friday night where we believe (although our brains may be inaccurate due to sleep deprivation) that we woke up six times due to Ms Simmonds-Moore.
Sienna has re-discovered raspberry blowing, and has happily spent all day doing it! very cute.
I also returned to work last week. I have arranged to work flexibly over the summer so can work a lot from home and still get a fair amount of time with little girl. Not sure how I am going to feel in September when I am going to be proper full time working mummy. Trying to focus on the now, and very grateful to have this transition time. Feeling somewhat swamped with work, as manicly writing conference papers, preparing for lecture, talk and seminar to be given at Hope and about to dive into a rather large heap of dissertation marking (will have to line up the chocolate).