Friday 14 September 2007

One month old today

Sienna was born exactly one month ago today. Time has disappeared very very quickly, and all of a sudden a month has flown by. I can imagine this feeling of rapid change will continue throughout her life. Blink and you might miss a moment of her development.
Current weight is 9 pounds and a half ounce, so she is doing pretty well (birth weight 7 pounds 7 ounces - health visitor very very impressed). Sienna is also starting to smile a lot more now (not just random or wind!), and her little eyes are darting around the room absorbing everything that is going on around her. We are also starting to get more out and about, and explore the outside world with the baby in tow. Today, we ventured into the city centre and I (chris) had lovely lunch with some new mums (who I met through prenatal yoga and swimming) - so sienna now has 4 new little friends and mummy has some allies! Great to share birth stories and the first few moments of babyland.
We are continuing to have a lot of visitors which is lovely. Tomorrow Sienna's auntie nicola and cousin Amelie are coming up to see us for the day.

Sunday 9 September 2007

Three weeks old and counting

Our little Sienna continues to grow (must be all that midnight snacking she is doing!) and has much impressed the health visitor and midwife with her progress. She is also now officially registered as a valid human being, and has a birth certificate to prove the fact. This means that we can now go ahead and apply for her passport for our November adventure. She is also now becoming more of a daytime alert creature, taking in the world with her big (currently) blue eyes and beginning to smile. Unfortunately also starting to cry a bit more (we think its the dreaded colic) which can be pretty tough on sleep deprived brain cells...I hear her now so will have to sign off for now....