Thursday, 6 May 2010

approaching summer

It is a beautiful May day. I am in the library, and realised that it has been an aeon since I last posted about the developments in our world. I have 4 minutes left on my library time, so will have to save a long blog for another day.
But, we are about to enter a new era for our family...looking to stay in Carrboro for at least another year (dependent on whether my career break at Hope gets approved, or not). All very exciting, and scary, simultaneously!
Sienna is a wonderful little person....full of the joys of spring. She has learned to ride her tricycle, and is quite the little girl, who currently has a very strong English accent (yay) after our recent visitation to Blighty and the influence of cousin Jasmine. More soon....


Anthony Rabun said...

If you are in America, the spelling is eon. Don't you Brits understand English ? :D

Christine Simmonds-Moore and Steve Moore said...

ahhhh, but I am desperately attempting to hang onto all of my Britishisms!!!

Christine Simmonds-Moore and Steve Moore said...
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