Friday 18 March 2011

Time flies

ooooppppps. Not quite sure how it has been so long since last I blogged, but it has. Now March 2011. I suppose this is a function of busy, which we are. Incredibly.
Taking a few moments out from editing my book, writing classes for the RRC and Atlantic University, and other book chapters to do a very brief update...
Steve has been working at the Hawbridge school since august last year; and me at the Rhine Research Center.....soon to be starting a new grant on synaesthesia - all very exciting.
Sienna is 3 and a half, and quite the character. She is coming out with some interesting questions about the world, and yesterday wrote her own name for the first time (no dots or copying involved). Amazing.
We have a new baby on the way - due in June, so life is about to get more crazy yet. We are not going to find out the gender, so everyone is going to have to wait and see!!!
So this is going to be a double chronicling of baby simmonds-moore, as soon our little family is going to expand muchly. Sienna thinks the new baby is going to be a girl, whilst Steve is thinking boy. I have no clue!
Ok, back to the book....and more tea to lubricate the little grey cells.

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